Plant List: Plants Deer Choose Last

Deer – one of the most challenging garden pests to control. While some gardener’s have found success using deterrents like PlantSkydd or Bobbex, those solutions require diligence, and they come with their own downside (um, no one loves the smell). For a more ‘natural’ approach, many gardener’s choose to design their yards with trees and […]
7 Ways to Have a Beautiful, Prairie-Hardy Yard (With Plant List!)

Looking for the Plant List? Scroll to Bottom. Spring is here, and many of us are hovering over our yards, waiting to see what survived the prairie winter, and what didn’t. Our chinook-y winters and dry summers can make it challenging to have the yard of your dreams, but with the right plants, and […]
How to Properly Plant Trees & Shrubs

Plant your tree for success with this quick guide, encouraging quick growth and winter hardiness.